Shakespeare M.A. Malayalam

Shakespeare M.A. Malayalam is a 2008 Malayalam film by the director duo Shyju and Shaji. The main cast of the film include Jayasurya, Kalabhavan Mani, Roma, Salim Kumar etc.

Pavithran goes to Bangalore looking for Alli. After months, Pavithran goes to a hospital and is shocked to learn that Alli was there and was pregnant. Angrily, Pavithran goes to the doctor and violently asks him what had happened to Alli. The doctor, after being released from Pavithrans grip, tell him that when they had come to Bangalore, the doctor had led Alli to childless couple. The doctor then reveals the jobs he had in his mind for Alli, being a surrogate mother to the couple. Hearing the news however, Alli faints, but later accepts her job. Right then, a nurse comes in the room and tells the doctor that Alli is having labour pain. After giving birth, the couple enters and replaces the infant with a suitcase full of money. Pavithran waits until Alli regains consciesness. But instead of being happy about the money, Alli has a quarrel with Pavithran and ends up trowing the suitcase to Pavithran. Pavithran polietly leaves. Angrily, Alli tries to commit suicide. The next scene is the drama, which shows the rest of Allis life Alli is saved and Pavithran accepts her in his life.

Source: Wikipedia